Monday, April 6, 2009

The Symptoms Of Anxiety

The Dreaded Symptoms Of Anxiety.

You know these well, and I’m sure you are just beginning to understand the impact of each one.

How long have you suffered from all of these...

Racing or pounding heart

* Sweating
* Shaking or trembling
* Shortness of breath or feelings of being smothered
* Feeling of choking
* Chest pain or discomfort
* Chills or hot flashes
* Nausea or upset stomach
* Dizziness or lightheadedness
* A sense of things being unreal or feeling detached from oneself
* Numbness or tingling sensations
* Fear of losing control or "going crazy"
* Fear of dying

And yet after all of the times that you have suffered from a panic attack, here you are.

You WANT to get over you’re attack and you’re looking for a way too. A way that will eliminate the possibility and chance of it happening so you can finally relax and take a deep breath.

Without the worry of losing your mind, or losing sight...

Living Free Of Anxiety is a beautiful way to live, but I can only show you the door. Take the leap and believe in yourself once again!

Here's your chance : End Anxiety Now

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How to Relieve Anxiety Attacks For Good!

Does 10 years of Anxiety qualify as a serious case? If you believe it does then here are some tips
from someone who has been there.

Tips #1 : Knowing what anxiety is and does is NOT enough to get out of anxiety. Einstein said

"You cannot solve the problem with the same level of awareness that created it." Doctors now agree.

Tip #2 : Breathing to stop anxiety panic attacks. Two things to keep in mind

A) Lengthen exhalation to relax
B) Lengthen inhalation to start

Tip #3 : Splash face with cold water. If you are somewhere that you can escape to a bathroom, use the sink!
Tip #5 : Distract your mind, count, analyze something. Count.
Tip #6 : Listen to music loudly and sing along to it
Tip #7 : Take the power away from the attack - this has never hurt me, it has never hurt anyone else and it never will.
Tip #8 : Tell yourself that what you are feeling sensations, and sensations don't hurt! Its only panic!
Tip #9 : Laugh out loud about anything...just start giggling.
Tip #10 :Avoid mirrors. It's very tempting to look at yourself while you panic. Avoid does not help.
Tip #11 : Keep some apples in the fridge. Eat one, then another if you wish
Tip #12 : Gently slap your cheeks and dance around - confuse your thoughts to distract them

Heads up, it's not easy or else you wouldn't be looking at this for insight.

Learning how to stop anxiety panic attacks starts with knowledge and ends with action.

Learn How To Relieve Anxiety Attacks For Good

You are NOT the only one who suffers from Anxiety. People like me have been in your position and its time that you free yourself like millions of others!

Last Chance ====> Learn How To Relieve Anxiety Attacks For Good

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